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The Leni Miracle

No presidential candidate in the history of the Philippines - possibly the world - has inspired people to volunteer to do good like Leni. Ordinarily, it’s the candidate who spends money to win votes. In Leni’s case, the people themselves fund and fuel the campaign.

This is the first time we witness a lot of Filipinos selflessly using their own resources to help a candidate. Leni has inspired doctors to provide free clinics, lawyers free legal consults. There are food drives, feeding programs, concerts, caravans, and all sorts of creative community services to raise awareness and help her win.

This is Leni channeling the miracle of ‘the multiplication of the bread.’ This is Leni’s greatest strength - to be able to draw out the best from every Juan.

Leni is phenomenal. We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance of electing a leader who is not only trustworthy, deserving, and effective but also truly transformative.

A Leni victory would inspire a multiplication of more Lenis - accountable servant leaders. Her loss would inspire more liars, thieves, and criminals to run for office.

We may not get this chance again in our lifetime.



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